Thursday, January 3, 2008


It was a shock to return to the blogosphere and discover it has been more than a month since my last post. I left it in a (failed) effort to reach a December 1st deadline for a thesis-chapter. Then I spent two weeks with my nephew while his mum got back to work, and soon christmas hollidays was thrown at me together with a flu.

I have not posted a single knit christmas pressie, even if I gave away quite a few this year. I even presented a friend with a very blog-worthy toy wafer press in wood and felt - crafted by my father and me. But the world of blog is hard; unpublished news more than a week old stays unpublished.

Barely within the limit, I give you my new Julia scarf from The Friday Night Knitting Club. I got the book from my mother a short time after my November 22 post, and the yarn, pattern and needles from my aunt for Christmas. But the actual knitting was done just before new years eve, and I wore it for the local children's parade. It can be seen to the very left of this picture from Firdaposten (please look there for more pictures of both the children's and the midnight parades, it's a fab tradition!).

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