Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I wanna rock!

No, really I want to do some really rebellious knitting. This weekend we are moving out of our house to get new pannelling in the bedrooms and living room, and I have to go through the massive amounts of unnecessary stuff we have accumulated over the last year or so. The house is a mess, and I feel a growing desire to toss everything away in a childish tantrum. We don't need half of this, my conscience screams. And theorethically I really want to destash.

But, you guessed it, I am too emotionally attached to my stash. Especially the yarn stash representing hours of creative and recreational knitting. That's why I want to knit instead of sorting: Giving away knitwear is so easy compared to throwing away unknit yarn. Not even the knowledge that some of my cheapest and oldest and shortest pieces of yarn have already been replaced by better yarn can make me do that.

I wanna knit.

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