Blog etiquette
Please tell me: Now that I have a knit blog, am I supposed to blog everything I knit?
This short row cap was knit for a friends birthday last week, and I did not want to publish pictures before the big day. But blogging it now seems strange... And although the pattern is something of a wolf in sheeps clothing with the intricate colour stranding inside, there's not much to say about it.
The wool cap for a summer birthday is a private joke - he's got a matching coffee-pot cozy.
Jeg tror ganske sikkert du kan velge å legge ut akkurat det du vil;-) om du legger ut alt eller bare det du er mest fornøyd med eller alt + litt til... alt er like rett!!
Alt+litt høres fristende ut! Det er jo altid mer jeg vil snakke om enn jeg rekker å strikke. Bergensere: se opp for strikke-papparazzi!
I think you should do absolutly as you feel like. There are no rules, just do what you want to. I think the cap looks great!
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